May 2012
Down the Widow's Walk
when Norah sings again
Some Promise from Gomorrah
A Murder of Albino Crows
Two Edges of Darkness
Before I Loved You
Down the Widow's Walk
Walk this first light with me
down the widow walk
out to the harbor of failing stars
Embrace me there
as the trawlers creak on their moorings
where old pelican’s line the jetty posts
barely raising a jaded citrine eye.
Kiss me there
in the arms of this sweet saltine breeze
my fingers threading your temples
your lips soft and inviting
warm as these tropical seas.
for when Norah sings again
I hear a soulful refrain down the yards
something Norah or Sarah
something that puts a bright ache in your heart
like a distant train
a ghost of cologne
the scent of sunlight
from a face full of cold winter hair
or that musk of your neck hollow skin.
Let’s create something timeless
a few thousand heartbeat’s
that take hours to savor
to roll over the tongue
re-running on the walls
of your mind and skin
to bite your lip,
reflexive sighs as you clench your knees
an ephemeral memory
for when the shadows pall
when nights are too empty
for when Norah sings again.

The trees gave up their wings
in a flutter of thunders
a raucous scream
of migrants, illegals
creaming their wings
thrust out as a plague
a swirling
a dirge
a funeral of starlings
sent elsewhere to greed.
image by © Graham McPherson
Some Promise from Gomorrah
Hooked and released
severed from the flock
left to wander.
gotta watch those fish
severed from the school
to flounder in the wild
Some promises are made
of wanderdust and lust
some promises are made
with vapor smiles
with cotton candy bones.
Some promises are made
with faith and admiration
some promises are toxic
with self gratification
Too little - too late?
Ask Lot!
wipe the dust from your feet
when you leave this town.
A Murder of Albino Crows
Still the blossoms fall
on my battered eyes,
still the water pools
in ghosts on my glass.
Still the Callery bloom
and the winds blow like vixens
flashing your skirts in a naughty April wind
winking from the glare
of voyeur office glass.
Still the Callery tear
at the linings of my heart
ivory kisses
falling like a murder of albino crows. |

…carry you
out into the silver mists
onto the meadow
where the heart lights dream
a blossom in waiting, breathless.
…hold you,
in the wet arms of dawn
where light can kiss
an owl to a dreamless sleep
a leaf to a chemical frenzy.
…sing you,
from the sinews of your thighs
a melody of moments
drawn taut and sweet
through your gale of satin cries.
image by © Darrell Wyatt
I feel the smile in your words
see the glisten is your eyes
the mental caress of your reach.
were the wind my breath
it would crawl your pores
were the sun my heart
it might scald you.
were the stars my eyes
how devilish they would shine.
I know the grin as you read this
the change in you posture
the drift of your hand to your knees
you’ll hear me sigh
as I write my last line
resigned to imagine
the clink-snick of a buckle
the delicate hiss of your skin on satin.
Two Edges of Darkness
Mist holds the throats of the forest
in blue-gray scarves
‘neath the sickle of a brash new moon
a laurel of cloud
crowns the mesa and cliffs.
I’ve watched for you walking the road
on the bloody edge of moments like these
coming back from an empty night
just as these frank threads of crimson
sew row after row of dawn upon the sky.
I watched you walk away one evening
across a meadow of larkspur and dragons-tear
my heart held tight brightly for one last instant
for a last cold apology
as you set me down in the last of the light.

we grow
one over the other
roots falling from our limbs
growing toward the soil of our skins
splicing intersecting us
a network of stories
poems, moments, and hopes
worries needles of seed
tendrils of time
sewn into our pores
as ancient banyans
a neuro-net
a cardiac mesh
fingers always touching
pulses sent
from the sole to the tongue
from the soul to the heart
we grow
one over the other
roots falling from our limbs
growing toward the love in our sin.
Before I Loved You
Before I loved you
some words were grenades
lobbed against walls, people,
against tongues that talked too little
too feckless
ghostly missives of chalk
too soon washed away
in the next vital rain.
Before I loved you
there were silences
pregnant with death
conversations of stillborn
cords of clotted apathy
wrung tight around their neck
Before I loved you
breathless words mumbled in graves
unable to utter a murmur
nor speak. |